Bettina Ritz · Human Resources

Today there is a high demand of qualified personnel in Healthcare and Social Services. We are here to help you find the perfect job based on your professional qualifications. Are you a

Please contact us if any of these options are true to you. We support you in finding the right employment for your professional qualifications and ambitions. Services by Ritz HR are at no cost to you. Your future employer takes care of our expenses.

You …

All the more reasons to take advantage of your professional potential and to enjoy your job (again). We will support you all the way. You might be hesitant to turn to an employment agency. We help you with your application and will find you a job that is just right for you.

If you are from another country and …

please don´t hesitate to contact us.

Ritz HR offers

Fairness and respect in dealing with our customers is our highest priority.

One of the following categories describes best the company you are representing:

In addition to a larger workload in the operational sector of Healthcare, the administrative part of Healthcare has also become increasingly more complex over the past years. Ritz HR offers solutions to relieve you from administrative tasks so you can focus on your professional work.

In order to grow your business you are for example looking for

Please don’t hesitate to contact us. Ritz HR offers extensive experience in the Healthcare and Social Services. We focus on your individual needs – we are efficient, professional and adhere to common regulations in the HR business.

Ritz HR recruits trained professionals and executives for organizations which offer Healthcare and Social Services by

Together we will create a profile of requirements for your future employee or co-workers and develop a recruiting strategy that best fits your organization.

An expertise of Ritz HR is to ensure the recognition of foreign qualifications in Germany. It is also very important to us to keep in touch with professionals from foreign countries even after we have found employment for them in Germany.

Ritz HR specializes in recruiting professionals and executives in Healthcare and Social Services. It is our goal to find the best placement for qualifying national and international candidates. We do this by cooperating closely with renowned organizations.

Bettina Ritz The owner of Ritz HR, Bettina Ritz, looks back on many years of experience as an executive in the Healthcare business and Social Services. Many years of experience in social and human resources in the German Healthcare system add competence to the team.

The head quarters of the company are located in Weimar, the cultural capital of Europe in the midst of the green belt of Germany.


Ritz HR
human resources
Malerstieg 14
99425 Weimar

Phone +49 (0) 3643-2129379


Thank you for visiting our website and your interest in Ritz HR. Protecting your personal data is of utmost importance to us. Use of personal data is strictly limited to the needs of our operating system.

All rights reserved under § 5 Telemediengesetz (TMG)

Bettina Ritz
Malerstieg 14
99425 Weimar

All diagrams are copyright by Bettina Ritz.

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